Let’s face it, we’re all busy. We’ve got looming deadlines, competing priorities, client demands and so on and so on. The problem is, if we want to get ahead, we’ve got to pull out all the creative stops. We have to be more inspired than the guy next to us, more innovative than our competitors and more imaginative than other industries. But in the midst of a 50-hour workweek, it’s often hard to tap into that creativity; it’s even harder to schedule time to flex our imaginative muscle. If this sounds familiar, it may be time for an imagination oil change to kick-start your passion and creativity at work.
Creativity doesn’t have to be – and shouldn’t be – another task on your checklist. There are simple ways to integrate time to be creative during the course of your day.
Open your mind to new perspectives, new adventures, new cultures, new ideas and new risks. Experiencing new cultures can teach patience, acceptance and respect; all of these traits support collaborative work environments. New risks, like proposing an idea that contradicts the status quo, can teach you about the strengths you possess and the things you’re capable of accomplishing. Increasing your courage and self-confidence helps grow your imagination. Not only will this help spark your imagination, but it can re-energize you and increase your motivation. The more motivated you are, the more focused you will become at work. Focus helps you set clear goals, achieve them and produce exceptional results.
Invite someone to be your creativity accountability partner. Most people are easily distracted from their commitment to new goals because of other demands or because of the challenges that come up when they go outside their comfort zones. What they don’t realize is that they are missing out on powerful lessons, gaining new knowledge, and discovering potential passions that all come with new experiences. A partner can spot you as you flex your imaginative muscle to help keep you motivated, providing padding when you struggle and acknowledgement when you succeed.
Look inside. Waaaay inside. One of the best ways to find what makes you come alive and identify what you’re truly good at is to self-reflect. Often. This allows you to take a more holistic view, which in turn allows you to uncover deeper meaning behind what you say, feel and do. You’ll discover a greater purpose and passion for your work, and this understanding can prompt extraordinary creativity and innovation.
If you’d like to learn more about how to ignite your creativity, generate imaginative ideas and become more motivated by your purpose at work, visit www.organizationalchampions.com and check out the “Want to learn more?” box.