I was at a birthday party Saturday night and some boy I had met at the beach earlier told me I was "unfriendly." This surprised me, as I was the one who turned to him and struck up a conversation. I suppose my dry, non-fluffy style of communication comes across as "unfriendly," but I think I'm okay with this. I don't feel the need to giggle like a 14 year old girl. I also prefer conversations that are much more centered around intellect.
So, why the above intro? It got me thinking about how my peers (20-30 somethings) interact, or don't, via conversation. It's a curious paradox we seem to teeter on. There's the age old "I don't like playing games and just want honesty," which is counterbalanced by the perpetual game playing and dishonesty. Where do you fall? And where do I fall for that matter?
My take on it is this: We are at an age where honest, albeit unpopular subject matter, conversations should be acceptable, and more so desired! Verbal expression is the sincerest form of emotional intimacy we as fellow humans can relate and connect to one another. What purpose or benefit are we providing ourselves by being dishonest or closed? Aren't we missing out on so much by doing this? My fondest memories in regards to conversations with others are those that are emotionally heightened by heated discussion, mixed viewpoints, and increased questioning.
It seems unfortunate that we don't find a burning wish, or rather insatiable urge to be open, direct, and concerned with our peers. To share. To feel. To connect. To ultimately relate. I'm not saying conversations have to all be sunshine and halos - conversations with "negative" connotations provide the best opportunity for the most growth and enlightenment. I guess my goal when participating in adult conversations is to be 'unordinarily' open, and allow myself the chance to hear and learn from another.
Michelle? Garner? Red? Taking the direction of insightful dialogue? I like! Keep it up! Hope all is well!