I have an amazing family. I have super rad friends. I'm dating a pretty cool dude. I see them sometimes; hear their voices rarely. My relationships are turning into text-tastic dynamics - sad. More sad? So are everyone else's.
My senior year of college I worked at a restaurant with a kid that just blew my mind with envy. He started dating a girl long distance. But instead of calling and/or texting, they wrote each other letters. LETTERS!! Like pen and paper, stamps and envelopes letters. How gnarly is that?! I was so jealous. Not because it was a romantic relationship and sounded like a cheesy love story, but because it was intimate. They had to share. Truly share. Not like a seven or eight word text. Or a 20 minute phone call. They really shared their thoughts. Their ideas. Their hopes. Their fears. Their stories. THEIR STORY.
I have so many close friends. Friends I know would be there for me when it counted; when I needed them. And I'd do the same for them in a moment's notice. But, I feel saddened by the fact that I'm not close to them the way he was to her, and her to him. It's like we (the world) have become so jaded, so closed off that no one wants to share. No one wants to be open. Lay themselves out there. Hit or miss. We're dead. I want life to breathe into my friendships, my family relationships, my romantic relationships. I want to know them. Not be able to just name their favorite color or pizza toppings they hate. I want to love you enough to know you. I think we may spend more time doing the opposite: finding out just enough to love our friends, family, and significant others. It seems off...
I'm not a new year's resolution kind of gal, but I am definitely seeking a life change when it comes to my family and friends. I want to see them when I can. But hear them when I can't. Have honest, candid conversations. Talk about the things we already think about all day long. Intimately connect to one another.
I've been fortunate to be blessed with the highest quality of both, and it's positively disgraceful that I don't act like I know I'm lucky. So, for those of you who know me well enough to know that I drop off the grid all too often, get ready! You mean the world to me. Without all of my relationships, I wouldn't be who I am today... You can blame yourselves or thank yourselves. :)
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